Automate, Unify, and Secure the Edge
Chris Voll, VP of Technical Services, Turn-key Technologies
Brian Sieteski, Sales Engineer, Aruba Networks
Michael McGuire, Network Systems Administrator, Monmouth University
As companies grapple with business recovery, IT faces challenges like how to accelerate cloud and as-a-Service adoption, how to deliver secure connectivity in a hyper-distributed environment, and how to enable workplace safety measures like contact tracing and heat mapping. Turn-key Technologies and Aruba Networks would like to present Aruba ESP: A "Sixth
Sense" for your network. Additionally we would like to have our customer, Monmouth University, speak about his current Aruba deployment to share best practices.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding how to provide secure remote access to remote employees
- Enable workplace safety measures: Contact Tracing and Heat Mapping
- Automate, Secure, and Unify your network environment Aruba Networks best practices