We hope you are safe and well during this time of immense change. We all face significant challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The truth is that it will be more important than ever to come together as a community to discuss technology breakthroughs and best practices that will advance our organizations of higher education, primary and secondary education, and government (state/municipal).
In response to current circumstances, we’ve made the decision to make EdgeCon a fully virtual event – but we still need your expertise. Please submit your session proposal with the confidence that EdgeCon 2021 will take online in January, and your participation will ensure its status as a worthwhile, valuable event for our community.
* As an added incentive, the conference registration fee is waived for accepted presenters. Please note that 1 presenter (inclusive of any moderator) may be admitted to the conference with free registration. Any additional presenters will pay the full conference registration fee.
Please click on the headings below to learn more about Proposal Submission:

Proposal Submission Requirements
Proposals must be submitted online, using this form , by September 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM (ET).
Accepted workshops receive up to 2 complimentary full conference registrations, to be used by presenters or panelists participating in that workshop and included in this proposal.
Complimentary registrations are not transferable and do not apply to presenters added later.
Program Track Themes & Categories
The following tracks of special interest are intended to inspire but not limit you:
- Organizational Maturity: Maintaining Institutional Effectiveness Among Rapid Change (rising cost, demographic shifts, etc.)
- Security, Privacy, and Ethics
(securing the enterprise utilizing social engineering, governance, risk and compliance, identity management, operations and architecture) - Emerging Trends and Innovation
(EdTech innovations, esports, AR, VR, future of work) - Forces Shaping the Future of Science and Discovery
(collaborations supported by an interconnected world, cyberinfrastructure, multi-institutional collaborations, next gen researchers and data scientists, funding models, COVID-19) - Collaboration and Partnerships Across the Enterprise
(remote campus relationships, creating a modern workforce, diversity, equity and inclusion) - Tricks of the Trade: Emerging Practices, Methods, Tools, and Technology
(accessibility and inclusion, tools and technologies, diagnostic assessment) - Retooling Enterprise Technology for Business Continuity
(infrastructure services and enterprise architecture/systems, strategies for effective service management)
Presentation Categories
On the online submission form, you will be asked to identify the type of presentation you are proposing:
Workshop (30 min): focused on skill-development; highly interactive or experiential
Panel (45 min): two or more people discussing or sharing information on a relevant topic
Individual Presentation (30 min): individual presentation on a relevant topic
Lightning Round: If you have a great, innovative idea and can sum it up in 5-10 minutes, consider submitting it for Lightning Round Learning
- April 11, 2020
Call for Proposals Opens - October 16, 2020
Proposal Deadline - Late October
Presenters Notified - Early-November
Conference Agenda Live - January 6, 2021
VALE Conference - January 6-8, 2021
Once You’ve Submitted a Proposal…
Presentation proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a case by case basis. Once the call for proposals is closed, the selection committee will make the final decisions on the conference program and will notify selected presenters by email.
*Please note that 2 presenters (inclusive of any moderator) may be admitted to the conference with free registration. Any additional presenters will pay the full conference registration fee.
Please note that a laptop/projector will be in the room on the day of the session for your use. If your proposal is accepted, a presentation is due no later than December 5, 2020. Presenters will receive an EdgeCon template for their proposal as well as specific guidance regarding form and format for the submission.
Interest in Facilitating?
Digital facilitators play an important role in assuring the quality of each session, introducing the presenters and providing a brief overview of how the presenters’ topic fits with the conference theme. The facilitator also ensures the presenters remain on schedule, encourages audience engagement, and summarizes the key points from the session. If you wish to lend your expertise to facilitate a session please submit a presenter registration, and indicate your desire to facilitate – there is no abstract or presentation detail needed to register for this role.