
Click here for a downloadable/printable copy of the 2021 At A Glance EdgeCon Agenda .

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  • Wednesday 6 Jan 2021
  • Thursday 7 Jan 2021
  • Friday 8 Jan 2021

Wednesday 6 Jan 2021

9:30 am - 9:45 am Lobby / Thank You Sponsors

Lobby / Thank You Sponsors

Wed 9:30 am - 9:45 am

9:45 am - 9:55 am President's Welcome

President's Welcome

Samuel Conn, Ph.d., President and Chief Executive Officer. Edge

Wed 9:45 am - 9:55 am

9:55 am - 10:25 am Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Wed 9:55 am - 10:25 am

10:25 am - 11:45 am Plenary Session

Embracing Disrupters to Innovate the Learning Landscape

Brian Flemming, Ed.D.

Brian Flemming, Ed.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Southern New Hampshire University

Creating positive change and derived value through disruptive innovation has become the mantra at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Gain insight into the strategic philosophical approach that has eliminated chaos and reinvented SNHU to fit the needs of their students and surrounding workforce, while ensuring the nationally recognized university with 200 academic programs keeps pace with new technologies and professional requirements.

Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Southern New Hampshire University
Wed 10:25 am - 11:45 am

11:45 am - 11:45 am Announcements


Wed 11:45 am - 11:45 am

11:45 am - 11:50 am Announcements

No workshops in this session.

11:50 am - 12:00 pm Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Wed 11:50 am - 12:00 pm

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CIO Affinity Group

CIO Affinity Group

Wed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Breakout Sessions

CSI-IT - A New Tool For A New World

Linda John, Director of Academic Computing, College of Staten Island

Patricia Kahn, Ph.D., CIO and AVP for Information Technology Services, College of Staten Island

Most institutions of higher learning are providing IT services, training, and distance education remotely. At CSI, what makes us stand out is our all-in-one approach! We were able to take our creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to keep the campus functioning, while staying within severe budget constraints. Consider us a multi-functional tool with all the attachments that you cannot live without! Attend this presentation and learn about our approach to offering IT services in order to accommodate faculty, staff, and students - some of which include VPN access, remote desktop support, virtual labs, virtual training, and much more.

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire best practices that provide affordable ways to adapt to a changing world in which physical computers can be repurposed for virtual solutions.
  • Provide innovative solutions in support of servicing the campus community remotely
  • Provide out of the box thinking to service the campus community.

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Tricks of the Trade: Emerging Practices, Methods, Tools, and Technology

CxO Exchange - Pay Attention to the ROI Your College Delivers - INVITATION ONLY

Martin Van Der Werf, Associate Director, Editorial and Postsecondary Policy Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

The College Scorecard is delivering new details on costs and benefits of college credentials, and allowing colleges to size themselves up against competitors. How will you use the data to differentiate your college, to identify your core competencies, and to make decisions about future spending priorities?

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Driving Research, Education, and Innovation Through Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Jack Brassil, Ph.D., Director for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure at Princeton University

James (Barr) von Oehsen, Vice President for Office of Advanced Research Computing at Rutgers University

Forough Ghahramani, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Sponsored Programs at Edge

This session will explore how New Jersey institutions are supporting education and research through advanced cyberinfrastructure and cloud computing, impacting workforce and economic development, and helping to drive innovation and discovery. The significance of a top-tier state-wide network providing connectivity to the national and global research infrastructure, and the role of collaborations facilitated by organizations such as the Eastern Regional Network (ERN) for enabling resource sharing to advance research and education will be discussed.

Learning Objectives

  • Review of recent New Jersey-based cyberinfrastructure projects funded by the National Science Foundation
  • Significance of closing the gap between IT organizations and academic units for advancing research and education
  • The important role of networks and collaborations in research and discovery
  • The role of EdgeDiscovery in facilitating collaborations and helping New Jersey create a top-tier statewide network

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Forces Shaping the Future of Science and Discovery

First Generation Students – Scaffolding for First-Generation Student Success

Lisa Andion, Ed.D., Organizational Leadership of Higher Education from Northeastern University, Sr. Solutions Engineer, Blackboard

Scott Caplan, Account Executive, Blackboard

First-generation students struggle to succeed in college. Research shows that this group of students face a variety of challenges that contribute to their college attrition. Yet, research also shows that this group of students could benefit from scaffolding strategies rooted in social learning and constructivist learning theories. Educational technology tools that are

available for faculty to use in their face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses can serve as a vehicle to support the success of first-generation students by implementing scaffolding practices into their use of computer supported collaborative practices. Faculty can expect to receive specific examples of how to implement strategies for different educational technology tools that

address managing group work, giving students opportunities to practice and process new concepts, incorporating reflective exercises, leveraging constructivist learning practices in dynamic virtual spaces, and accommodating diverse student needs from an inclusive and accessible perspective. At this session we will go through and map the scaffolding suggestions back to the course tools, virtual conferencing, Ally Accessibility tool, Discussions, Journals, Class Conversations, Quizzes, Assignments, Learning Modules etc.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the challenges that First Generation students are facing
  • Understanding how the LMS EdTech tools can be leveraged to best interact with First Generation Students
  • Understanding how to use scaffolding practices in your online course to support First-Generation student success

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Organizational Maturity: Maintaining Institutional Effectiveness Among Rapid Change

Is Your Organization Ready for Change?

Te Wu, CEO, PMO Advisory, LLC, Assistant Professor, Management, School of Business, Montclair State University

As organizations tackle "mega projects" such as implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP), replacing antiquated learning management systems (LMS), or upgrading other major systems and infrastructure, preparing the organization for change and complexity have paramount importance. Experience project managers intuitively understand that the success of

the project is often not just the system and process but also adoption – the willingness and preferably the eagerness of the people to embrace change. To evaluate the extent of organizational change and the need for disciplined adoption programs, a best practice is to conduct an Organizational Change Complexity Assessment early. This workshop is hands-on and centers around utilizing a simple tool to evaluate the extent of change of a Learning Management System Replacement at a medium-large university in New Jersey. Participants are encouraged to relate this exercise with their own change project.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the importance of organizational change management and its complexity
  • Review an Organization Change Complexity Assessment Tool
  • Apply the tool to a practical example – replacement of a Learning Management System at a medium-large university

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Collaboration and Partnerships Across the Enterprise, Organizational Maturity: Maintaining Institutional Effectiveness Among Rapid Change, Tricks of the Trade: Emerging Practices, Methods, Tools, and Technology

Navigating Work From Home Through Enterprise Communications Platform

Kirk Rooney, Senior Solutions Consultant, CBTS

Chris Howes, Ed.D., Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology, Morehead State University

What is the best way to deliver a secure, enterprise-quality Work-From-Home experience for your employees? Hear how Education, Government and Healthcare have leveraged Hosted Enterprise Unified Communications to provide continuity in their employees day-to-day responsibilities. Elevate your employees work from home capabilities utilizing the full collaboration portfolio. Learn how to leverage and maximize the existing investments of your current applications such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex Teams, and Webex Meetings by integrating them into a Hosted Cloud Communications solution.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a better understanding of the flexibility that results in the adoption of Hosted Enterprise Communications.
  • Learn how to elevate employees' work from home experience using the full collaboration portfolio.
  • Understand how to maximize existing applications by integrating them into the Hosted Cloud Communications offering.

Wed 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Retooling Enterprise Technology for Business Continuity

2:00 pm - 2:50 pm Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Wed 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

2:50 pm - 3:00 pm Announcements


Wed 2:50 pm - 3:00 pm

3:00 pm - 3:15 pm Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Wed 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm

3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Breakout Sessions

Federated Identity, InCommon, and Enabling Federated Access to Research Services

Ann West, AVP for Trust & Identity at Internet2 and Executive Director of the InCommon Federation

Jim Basney, Senior Research Scientist, National Center for Supercomputer Applications

Tom Barton, Senior Consultant for Cybersecurity & Data Privacy, UChicago & Internet2

The panel will review the concepts of federated identities, authentication, and the role attributes play in managing access to services. They'll further describe how the InCommon Federation and eduGAIN enable academic collaboration across local, regional, national, and international scales, discuss technical alternatives for participation in InCommon, and delve a bit into how research communities and research cyber infrastructures manage federated access to their services.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding of the concepts of federated identities, authentication, and the role attributes play in managing access to services.
  • How InCommon Federation and eduGAIN enable academic collaboration across local, regional, national, and international scales, and technical alternatives for participation in InCommon
  • How research communities and research cyber infrastructures manage federated access to their services

Wed 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Forces Shaping the Future of Science and Discovery

4:00 pm - 4:15 pm Closing Announcements / Thank You Sponsors

Closing Announcements / Thank You Sponsors

Wed 4:00 pm - 4:15 pm

Thursday 7 Jan 2021

9:30 am - 9:30 am Lobby / Thank You Sponsors


Thu 9:30 am - 9:30 am

9:45 am - 9:45 am Welcome


Thu 9:45 am - 9:45 am

9:50 am - 10:15 am Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Thu 9:50 am - 10:15 am

10:15 am - 11:45 am Keynote

Understanding Generational Differences To Maximize Organizational Success

Jason Dorsey, President of The Center for Generational Kinetics

Jason Dorsey is the most sought-after Gen Z, Millennial, and generations keynote speaker and researcher. Jason’s passion is solving generational challenges for leaders through his acclaimed keynote presentations and unique research discoveries. Jason delivers specific, practical solutions grounded in original research that inspire audiences and drive measurable results. He’s funny, too.

Jason has been featured on 200+ TV shows, including 60 Minutes, 20/20, The Today Show, CNN, CNBC, and The Early Show. Adweek calls Jason a “research guru” and The New York Times featured him in its cover story on marketing to Millennials. Jason is known for discovering Millennials are breaking into two generations: Mega-llennials and Me-llennials. He’s also known for his quote, “Technology is only new if you remember it the way it was before.”

Thu 10:15 am - 11:45 am

11:45 am - 11:50 am Announcements


Thu 11:45 am - 11:50 am

11:50 am - 12:00 pm Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Thu 11:50 am - 12:00 pm

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CIO Forum - Invitation Only

CIO Forum - Invitation Only

Thu 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Breakout Sessions

Better Together: K-12 and Community College Collaboration

Shelley Kurland, Ph.D., Dean, Virtual Campus, County College of Morris

Peter Turnamian, Superintendent, Rockaway Township School District

COVID-19 sent the education world into a complete tailspin in March 2020. The pivot from traditional in-person teaching to emergency remote teaching was especially challenging for the K-12 sector as most of the school districts in New Jersey have had limited experience in the virtual environment. We will discuss the collaboration between K-8, high school regional school districts, and community college with the pivot to teaching and learning in a virtual environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss reasons to reach out to organizations and/or institutions to begin collaborations and/or partnerships 
  • Develop a list of potential collaborations and/or partnerships
  • Consider the lessons learned and develop plans for emergency teaching and learning situations

Thu 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Collaboration and Partnerships Across the Enterprise

Covid in a Full-Fibre Island

The presentation will focus on how Jersey Channel Islands have delivered a full-fibre network to the premise for every home and business on the island - now boasting the world's third fastest internet speeds. The island experience of managing lockdown, bridging the digital divide and network neutrality. Lastly, how the island plans to go from a 1gig to 10 gig to each premise.

Tony Moretta, CEO, Digital Jersey

Learning outcomes

  • International example of delivering a full-fibre network
  • How the network is being used
  • Solutions for a digital divide

Thu 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Retooling Enterprise Technology for Business Continuity, Tricks of the Trade: Emerging Practices, Methods, Tools, and Technology

Edge Network Roadmap Update

Jim Stankiewicz, Associate Vice President and Principal Network Architect, Edge

Come and join Jim Stankiewicz, Associate Vice President and Edge’s Principal Network Architect for a detailed discussion about the Edge network and, specifically, enhancements to the network and services offerings that have occurred over the past year. Jim will also speak to our roadmap for the future of our network based upon the feedback we receive from our connected members and his engagement with colleague networking organizations and networking leaders throughout the industry.

Thu 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Preparing for Uncertainty

Steve Adams, Account Executive, Workday
Beth Walkley, Chief Budget Officer, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Over the past 12 months, higher education institutions have needed to pivot quickly with closed campuses, new learning environments, and significant unknowns. In disruptive times, agility is everything. As a result, enabling robust scenario analysis, sensitivity testing, and contingency planning is paramount. Learn how cloud based technologies like Workday Adaptive Planning enable institutions to drive better decisions and best prepare for uncertainty.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how institutions can plan, model, budget and forecast faster
  • How are institutions increasing data transparency to improve the decision-making process
  • How can an institution utilize scenario planning to be better prepared for the unknown

Thu 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Retooling Enterprise Technology for Business Continuity

Transforming the College Classroom Using Tech Tools

Tamara Tallman, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, New Jersey City University

With the advent of distance learning, it has become increasingly more important for online classrooms not to be simply lecture based. This session will discuss how to use the Universal Design for Learning and a myriad of tech tools to design a community of learners and get away from the lecture-based format.

Learning Objectives

  • Choose and use tech tools for higher learning
  • Familiarize themselves with UDL and SAMR when choosing tech tools for higher learning
  • Using the four C's and transformative technology to enhance their classroom's tech tools

Thu 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Transforming the College Classroom Using Tech Tools

1:30 pm - 2:10 pm Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Thu 1:30 pm - 2:10 pm

2:10 pm - 3:25 pm Plenary Session

Predictive Analytics using Amazon Web Services

Sanjay Padhi, Ph.D., Head of AWS Research, US Education

Predictive analytics is a set of techniques that are fundamental to large organizations like Amazon. Methods such as Machine Learning are used in many aspects of life, including healthcare, education, and financial modeling. This talk will provide a range of studies using predictive analytics including a detailed overview of methods such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning using AWS. Fully managed Artificial Intelligence services to help researchers build, train and deploy ML models in various domains including Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing will also be outlined. Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning based frameworks and their implications in the fields of scientific computing, medical imaging, cancer detection, diabetic retinopathy, and voice-enabled solutions to improve management of chronic diseases will be discussed. Advancements in Quantum Computing technologies fostering innovations will also be highlighted. The AWS Research Initiatives with funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in scientific and biomedical sectors, as well as the AWS research credit program will be outlined.

Thu 2:10 pm - 3:25 pm

3:25 pm - 3:55 pm Announcements


Thu 3:25 pm - 3:55 pm

3:55 pm - 4:35 pm Breakout Sessions

Make it Fantastic, Make it Feasible: Maintaining Quality in Online and Remote Teaching During Challenging Times

Michelle Miller, Ph.D., Professor of Psychological Sciences, Northern Arizona University

How can we help all students gain a solid foundation of knowledge, while also teaching them how to think? How do working memory and attention factor in to the learning process? And how do we keep students motivated to put in the effort that’s necessary to accomplish deep learning? These questions are some of the most challenging ones we face as we design and teach our courses, and now, they are front and center as we re-envision quality education in a time of upheaval and rapid change. We can address them by applying theoretical frameworks derived from learning sciences. We can also draw on the practical wisdom of experience developed by faculty members doing the hard work of keeping students moving forward towards their academic goals.

Thu 3:55 pm - 4:35 pm
Tricks of the Trade: Emerging Practices, Methods, Tools, and Technology

Resources and Communities of Practice Facilitating Computing and Data-intensive Research and Education

Dana Brunson, Executive Director, Research Engagement, Internet2

Forough Ghahramani, Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Sponsored Programs, NJEdge

Julie Ma, Program Manager, Northeast Cyberteam Initiative, Program Manager, CAREERS Cyberteam, Campus Champions Leadership Team, Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), Harvard University

Andrew Sherman, Senior Research Scientist and the Director of Arts & Sciences Computational Research Support, Yale Center for Research Computing 

This session will provide information about research support resources and communities available at the local, regional, and national level, bridging researchers with the resources and collaborations.  Topics will include national Cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources, such as XSEDE and Open Science Grid (OSG), Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC),

the Campus Champions network, regional communities and resources including the Eastern Regional Network's (ERN) Broadening the Reach initiatives supporting less-resourced institutions,  the NSF sponsored Cyberteams projects for advancing research and education in Eastern Regional Schools, and EdgeDiscovery enabling research and Innovation. As researchers become more reliant on the use of big data and sophisticated computing techniques such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, the demand for experts who can wield these tools effectively has grown considerably, the NSF CAREERS Cyberteam project strengthens the research computing career pipeline, increases the availability of research computing experts who can collaborate with researchers, and provide this support to underserved institutions. Northeast Cyberteam is addressing the challenges faced by smaller, mid-sized and under-resourced campuses by building a pool of research computing facilitators that can be shared across institutional boundaries. The regional networks have a significant role, such as Edge through EdgeDiscovery, in serving as facilitator and user support for the smaller institutions in advancing research and discovery. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Raise awareness of research support resources and communities available at the local, regional, and national level, bridging researchers with the resources and collaborations.
  • Investments made by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in making Advanced Cyberinfrastructure resources available in support of Research and Innovation.
  • EdgeDiscovery initiatives and its collaborative network for advancing research and discovery.

Thu 3:55 pm - 4:35 pm
Forces Shaping the Future of Science and Discovery

Women Leaders in Technology Network (WLiT) presents: 10 Ways to Be an Ally for Women in Tech

Christina DelliSanti-Miller, Career Transition Coach

Thu 3:55 pm - 4:35 pm

Friday 8 Jan 2021

9:30 am - 9:45 am Lobby / Thank You Sponsors

Lobby / Thank You Sponsors

Fri 9:30 am - 9:45 am

9:45 am - 11:05 am Plenary Session

Everything You Need To Know About The Business Of Esports

"The Official Podcast Of Esports",  a weekly show that debates the latest trends and opportunities in the industry will broadcast LIVE from EdgeCon

William Collis, Co-owner and Co-founder of Team Genji

Paul 'The Profit' Dawalibi, CEO of Conquest and CEO of Obsidian Ventures

Fri 9:45 am - 11:05 am

11:05 am - 11:10 am Announcements


Fri 11:05 am - 11:10 am

11:10 am - 11:30 am Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Exhibit Hall / Chat Lounge

Fri 11:10 am - 11:30 am

11:30 am - 12:15 pm Breakout Sessions

Creating an Optimal Student Experience by Transforming Engagement

Ahmed El-Haggan, VP of IT/IA, CIO & Professor of Computer Science, Coppin State University
Jennifer Beyer, VP, Product Management, Anthology

This session will provide insight into how Coppin State University (CSU), an Historically Black Institution (HBI) that serves mostly Baltimore City residents, re-engineered their business strategy and technology platform to increase student engagement and satisfaction. CSU serves disadvantaged minorities, first-generation, multi-generation student body. Recent NSSE surveys indicated that student satisfaction at CSU lagged other Mid-East public universities by 29 points for first-year students and 9 points for seniors. The institution created a high-impact engagement strategy supported by a campus-wide CRM, which enables a deeper understanding of individual journeys, and personalized engagement across the student lifecycle. By taking a personalized student-centric approach and leveraging a system that includes predictive and prescriptive analytics, as well as workforce analytics to align academics and student skills with the needs of the workforce, Coppin State now has the foundation to improve the student experience, achieve enrollment goals, and prepare students for career success. In this session, Dr. Ahmed El-Haggan, VP of IT & Advancement, CIO and Prof. of Computer Science at CSU, and Dr. Jennifer Beyer, Anthology VP of Product Management, present the institution's process for improving student engagement and designing an optimal journey for each student.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will learn how to scale up student engagement without scaling up staff
  • Gain insight into developing a strategy to improve the students experience across the student lifecycle, from prospect to alumni
  • Explore how intelligent cloud-based CRM, and workforce analytics can help keep students engaged, motivated and aware of how their academic programs aligned with their career goals and the needs of the labor market

Fri 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Collaboration and Partnerships Across the Enterprise

Cybercriminals Also Work from Home

Etay Maor, Boston College adjunct professor, Cybersecurity Researcher,

Keynote Speaker, RSA Conference Community Member

The global pandemic has moved up the adoption of the 'work from home' from something organizations consider to a new norm, one which will not disappear any time soon. During this time cybercriminals have not slowed down, quite the contrary, there is a sharp increase in the number of attacks against those working from home, remote administration systems,

collaboration tools and more. In this session we will take a look at some of these attacks, discuss the attacker's point of view and review security best practices and mitigation strategies.

Learning Objectives

In this session we will take a look at some of these attacks, discuss the attacker's point of view and review security best practices and mitigation strategies.

Fri 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Security, Privacy, and Ethics

Transforming the World through Data Science for Good

Florence D. Hudson, Executive Director, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, Columbia University

The Northeast BIg Data Innovation Hub is a community convener, collaboration hub, and catalyst for data science innovation in the Northeast Region of the U.S.. Our mission is to build and strengthen partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and accelerate innovation in the national big data ecosystem. Join us ( to learn about the exciting initiatives you can participate in across our four focus areas of Health, Responsible Data Science including security + privacy + ethics, Education and Data Literacy, and Urban to Rural Communities. We will present projects such as the COVID Information Commons (, the Connected Healthcare Cybersecurity Workshop in collaboration with IEEE and Underwriters Laboratories, the Northeast Student Data Corps, and more, inviting you to join in the efforts and share your data science related insights and projects so together we may transform the world through data science for good.

Fri 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Forces Shaping the Future of Science and Discovery

12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Closing Announcements & Thank You Sponsors

Closing Announcements

Fri 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm