Online Program Readiness Assessment (OPRA)

Our Online Program Readiness Assessment prepares two-year and four-year colleges and universities for successful online learning initiatives━whether you’re starting from scratch or expanding existing offerings. OPRA undertakes an in-depth, holistic review of an institution’s student lifecycle, business processes, instructional design, and technology strategy. 

Within 30 days, OPRA provides a detailed report that:

  • Reveals your institution’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Provides a gap analysis of your institution’s online learning readiness
  • Recommends specific measures and resources to enable online program/online campus success

Informed by assessment findings and recommendations that include prescriptive, actionable steps for improvement, OPRA serves as the roadmap for sustainable online education success.

Who OPRA Serves

Presidents & Provosts

Online education works best when consensus exists amongst institutional executives. OPRA gives academic leaders the information they need to champion online education success.


OPRA assesses the current state (and where appropriate, current investment) of technology, administration, and business processes, and makes recommendations for financial sustainable online education development, to include a working pro forma model of revenue and expense projections based on actual institutional costs and tuition rates.


Assessment findings can be used to identify gaps and determine the technology roadmap for online success. OPRA provides a thorough accounting of the technologies and systems currently in place, along with a roadmap of those needed to make online education work.

Deans / Departments

OPRA provides a detailed report on the institution’s capabilities to support online programming across departments, including the development of a dedicated, standalone online campus where appropriate.

How We Work

Working with Edge

Edge is a nonprofit organization that was formed by the New Jersey President’s Council to serve as a technology partner, and OPRA serves to advance that mission. For more than 20 years, we’ve provided the most effective and affordable technology solutions for higher education institutions throughout New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and beyond.

As a higher education community partner, we advocate for the development of sustainable, institution-owned online learning programs. Rather than outsourcing the work (and much of the profit) to an Online Program Management firm, we work to provide our members with the skills and strategy they need to be self-sufficient in the online education arena.

Our team members have worked to assess, build, and launch numerous online education initiatives at public and private institutions of all sizes. The hard-won lessons learned from those projects, combined with the results-driven methodology of OPRA, provides your staff with the actionable information they need to plan for online education success.

Let’s Get Started

Ready to assess your institution’s online education capabilities? Schedule a one-hour, no obligation strategy session with one of our experts, in-person or virtually.

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